Raje Shivaji Nagar, Tunga Village 8898026123 / 8108789889

About Us

Spectra Science Academy

We Believe in Quality Education

Spectra Science Academy is an educational institution dedicated to offering high-quality offline science education, providing students with hands-on learning experiences and fostering well-rounded individuals through traditional classroom-based study.

Spectra Science Academy maintains a structured and disciplined learning environment, ensuring students adhere to fixed schedules. This not only promotes punctuality but also imparts essential time management skills, preparing students for success in both academic and professional pursuits.This academy provides students with a unique opportunity for in-person interaction with their teachers, fostering real-time communication and immediate feedback.



Our Teaching Experience

Our teaching experience is grounded in a deep commitment to student success, with a track record of fostering academic growth and personal development. Over the years, we have honed our instructional methods to create engaging and effective learning environments that empower students to excel in their studies.

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Our Vision & Mission

The vision of coaching classes is to serve as a beacon of educational guidance and excellence for students, providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to achieve their academic and personal goals. We envision a space where students not only excel academically but also develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and a strong sense of self-confidence. Through our coaching classes, we aim to shape well-rounded individuals who can navigate the challenges of the modern world with intelligence, empathy, and a thirst for knowledge.

Our mission is to deliver high-quality, student-centric coaching that caters to the diverse needs of our students. Our dedicated and passionate educators work tirelessly to empower students with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their academic pursuits. Through our coaching classes, we endeavor to equip students with the tools necessary to not only achieve their immediate academic goals but to become responsible, compassionate, and informed global citizens.

Why Choose Spectra Science Academy ?

See what makes Spectra Science Academy, The Best Coaching Classes compared to other traditional classes.


Experienced Faculty

Our team of experienced and passionate educators are experts in their respective fields giving quality knowledge.

Interactive Learning

Interactive learning engages active participation leading to deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.

Carrer Guidance

Assisting students in making informed decisions about their career paths through the exploration of their interests, skills, and goals.


Experienced Faculty

Our team of experienced and passionate educators are experts in their respective fields giving quality knowledge.

Interactive Learning

Interactive learning engages active participation leading to deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.

Carrer Guidance

Assisting students in making informed decisions about their career paths through the exploration of their interests, skills, and goals.